I am originally from Indonesia, and when I was young my family had just enough money to buy food and send us to school. We never thought about taking pictures. Once a month a man would come to our village offering to take pictures of families for the equivalent of 25 cents. My mother always said, "Maybe next month," and next month never really came. So I have no photos of myself as a child.
I married Jim Zuckerman, a well-known photographer, and moved to the U.S., and on Jim's photo workshop to Venice, Italy he loaned me his backup camera so I could take pictures like the participants in the workshop. I instantly fell in love with photography. Jim helped me understand the camera, and now I travel with him all over the world capturing beauty, culture, children, and wildlife. I also manage our business and organize the logistics, hotels, flights, and restaurants for our clientele.
My photos sell in stock photo agencies along with Jim's, and I also do family portraits and take pictures of children. Jim still helps me with the technical side of photography, but my vision is my own. Photography has opened up a whole new world to me, and this website is the means by which I share all of my wonderful experiences with you.